The university?s alumni association honored five Clark School alumni and friends during its annual awards gala on April 14:
- Sudhitham Chirathivat, B.S. '71, electrical engineering, was presented with the university?s international alumnus award in recognition of his career in the retail industry around the globe. Chirathivat is president and CEO of Central Pattana Public Co., Ltd. in Thailand.
- Linda Gooden, a member of the Clark School Board of Visitors, was presented with the alumni association?s Honorary Membership for her work with the university. Gooden is executive vice president of Lockheed Martin Information Technology and Global Services.
- Michael D. Griffin, Ph.D. '77, aerospace engineering, received the President?s Distinguished Alumnus Award, for his work as chief administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
- Marilyn Berman Pollans, former associate dean of the Clark School, received the Tyser Gottwals Award for her service to the university. Berman Pollans is also a member of the Clark School?s board of visitors and has played a key role in the formation of the new Women in Engineering (WIE) Advisory Board and WIE?s new living-learning initiative.
- Emilio A. Fernandez, B.S. '69, electrical engineering, was presented with the Engineering Alumnus of the Year Award for his accomplishments in industry. Fernandez, an entrepreneur who co-founded Pulse Electronics, is already a member of the Clark School?s Innovation Hall of Fame and is also a member of the school?s board of visitors.
For more information on the awards and the recipients, please visit the gala web site.
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